Master Data
Master Data in SAP is:
- Functional Location : The business object functional location is an organizational unit within Logistics, which structures the maintenance objects of a company according to functional, process-related or spatial criteria. A functional location represents the object at which a maintenance task is to be performed. A functional location represents system area at which an object can be installed.
- Equipment: is a representation of every important and expensive individual component of a machinery such as Pump, Engine, Motor, Tire etc. The business object “Equipment” is an individual, physical object that is to be maintained independently. It can be installed in a technical system or part of a technical system. We can manage all types of objects as pieces of equipment.
- Task list : is maintenance task to be performed by a technician to maintain a particular technical object. Maintenance Task Lists describe a sequence of individual maintenance activities which must be performed repeatedly within a company. These are the master data for Preventative Maintenance Process.
- Bill Of Material : is a term used for spare parts which are to be replaced but no history is to be maintained. There are different types of BOM – Production BOM, Maintenance BOM, Costing BOM, Construction BOM. etc. These types of BOM are used for different purpose based on Enterprise business requirement.